Alfeldt's Christmas Tree Farm has grown Christmas trees since 1964. We have about 40 acres of trees from 10' in height down. We have some White Pine that are taller than 10'(but not many). It is owned and operated by the Alfeldt family. It is a choose and cut Christmas tree farm and nursery. We are located Northwest of Oakdale at 8909 Adams Rd.
Directions: One mile west of Oakdale on County Hwy 10. Follow signs to farm. Stay on Adams Road 1.7 mile. If you are using a navigation device and are heading to the farm from the west DO NOT turn on the first Adams Rd. It is a one way rock road. Turn by our billboard.
Christmas Time Farm Amenities:
- Gift Shop - Ornaments - Mitchell Yule tree stands - Indoor Restroom
Features: Saws provided, free shaking, netting
SANTA: 12-3pm on weekends. Free Spruce seedling or $1.00 tree removal bag with purchase of tree until supplies last.
Other Christmas related items to purchase: pre- cut Fir trees up to 9', balled and burlaped trees(pre dug are mostly White Pine up to 6' and some Norway Spruce), wreaths, garland(roping), crosses, swags, sill sitters, greens bundles, greenery arrangements grave blankets, grave pillows
Call ahead of time or contact us via Email at alfeldttrees@yahoo.com if you know a specific Christmas item that you would like to purchase or if you have any other questions. That way we can have it ready and available for you to pick up.
In the spring and the fall we have various balled and burlaped hardwoods, spruce and pine trees for sale. Below is a PDF that lists most trees available for sale. Email us or call for more information or if you have any questions.
Sun Valley Maple in front & Bradnywine Maple
2023 - $2.00 off choose and cut tree coupon
Alfeldt's Christmas
Tree Farm & Nursery